Crying in the Swimming Pool

I took Henry swimming again this morning, on my own this time, and he hated it. I don’t really know why, but he was fine while I was getting him into his swimming nappy. He was even giggling at me, and I thought that maybe he actually knew what was coming and was even looking forward to it. I was wrong.

As soon as I dipped his little body in the water, he screamed and screamed. I managed to calm him down a little – just long enough to have a lovely conversation with a grandma and another mum taking her daughter swimming – then Henry decided enough was enough and wanted to get out. We had only been in the pool a matter of minutes. He got himself in such a state that the lady that worked there advised me (politely but leaving no room for debate) that I should just try again with him next week. I know I shouldn’t be, but I was so embarrassed. It is going to take a lot of courage to go back again, because every single set of eyes in that crowded swimming pool was on me as I took my screaming baby on the ‘walk of shame’ out of the pool and back into the changing rooms.

I had to feed Henry in the changing rooms, not because he was hungry but just to calm him down. He went bright red in the face, and I’m sure that he hurt his little throat from all the screaming. It was quite a challenge trying to get myself dressed while holding him as he just wouldn’t let me put him down. Anyone would think he was really in pain or something by the way he was crying the poor little baby.

I’ll just try again next week I guess, except I will take my other half with me for moral support. I can’t be put off by one bad experience. I’m also going to buy him a little baby wetsuit so he doesn’t get so cold. The water did feel rather chilly compared to last time, and my Henry does love his little luxuries… I think that might be why he was so awfully upset. Hopefully it will be warmer next time. If not, I’m going to a different swimming pool.

2 thoughts on “Crying in the Swimming Pool

  1. Pingback: Swimming Fun in a Wetsuit « henrysmother

  2. Pingback: Swimming Success « henrysmother

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